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Testimonial: Getting a Bird to the Vet Safely

By Ian Opec

I once had the task of looking after a sulphur-crested cockatoo and taking it to the vet because we were concerned it was unwell. Let me tell you—it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be!

To transport the bird safely, we used a combination of newspaper and a towel to gently cover its head, which helped to keep it calm. We then placed it in a dog cage for the journey to the vet. Despite our careful approach, the cockatoo was not a fan of this process, so having extra hands to assist was absolutely essential.

Be prepared: you’re likely to get scratched during the process! Staying calm, firm, and consistent is key. Avoid being overly noicy with the bird, as this will only heighten its stress. By remaining patient and maintaining control, you’ll be able to manage the situation and get the bird to the vet safely.

Taking a bird to the vet may require teamwork and resilience, but with the right preparation, it’s manageable and ensures the bird gets the care it needs.