Dear All,
We want to bring to your attention that Traveller Palms are growing on our property and are poisonous to animals. Please ensure these plants are never handled, fed to, or accessible by animals under any circumstances.
Location of the Traveller Palms
The palms are located on the left side of the pool, next to the Sebastopol geese enclosure.
To ensure the safety of all animals:
- Do not cut or handle these plants unless necessary and with proper precautions.
- Keep animals away from this area to avoid accidental ingestion.
- Inform others working on the property or around the animals about this potential hazard.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in keeping our animals safe!
Read here about the daily care requirements
Short Term Caretakers
Please indicate how you would like to participate in our work. Unfortunately short term caretakers will not be able to feed the animals, but can participate in general maintenance, gardening, watering, weeding, fire prevention, photography, video uploading/editing and website improvements.
*If you find a sick or deceased animal:
Contact the owners immediately! A sick animal needs to be removed and go into quarantine. If you find a deceased animal it needs to be removed, but can't be buried because this will spread diseases.